H5853 | עַטְרֹות אַדָּר | |||||
原文音譯:`Atrowth'-'Addar' 對等譯字:CROWN-NOBLE 文法分類: 出現次數:2 最先出現:書 16:5 最後出現:書 18:13 和合本譯字及次數 亞他綠亞達 字義及字源追溯 榮耀之冠冕[(5852=亞大錄=5850=冠冕)(5849*=加冠)+(146=大的)(142*=擴大)] crowns of Addar [(5852=Ataroth=5850=a crown)(5849=to encircle*, to crown)+(146=ample)(142=to expand*)] | `Atrowth 'Addar at-roth' ad-dawr' from the same as 05852 and 0146;; n pr loc AV - Atarothadar 1, Atarothaddar 1; 2 Ataroth-adar or Ataroth-addar = "crowns of glory" 1) a Gadite town on the west border of Benjamin |